Digital businesses use complex technologies to support workflows. Since many systems are interconnected, a single compromise can impact the entire business network. Threat actors successfully locate vulnerabilities in insecure networks, causing financial and reputational damages to organisations.
Amid a spate of cyberattacks, the Cybernews team recently spoke with the CEO of Cubro Network Visibility, Christian Ferenz, who spoke about the importance of network visibility for network teams and security teams for improving the security posture of the organisation.
How was Cubro conceived? How would you describe your journey?
In one of my previous jobs as a reseller of monitoring equipment, I was asked to introduce a network Test Access point (TAP) at one of the sessions. The organisation wanted to establish a network TAP with several monitoring tools to save IT costs. In the past, there were just a few network visibility technology companies. Together with three colleagues (now co-founders of Cubro), we developed a Network TAP that the client evaluated and deployed after some tweaks. Those 2003 TAPs are still in use.
Our 19-year success has been built on creative IT solutions. Cubro designs and manufactures with a focus on customer concerns, guaranteeing organisations that we will meet their future expectations. Cubro products can be adopted, expanded, and managed separately or centrally, utilising a single, centralised management system. Cubro’s services have allowed consumers to utilise the full spectrum of our solutions for years.
Could you describe the Custos solution? What are the fundamental problems it helps address?
Custos is an embedded monitoring software option for Cubro’s Omnia product line that tackles the IT resource constraints of businesses. The monitoring software enables small and medium-sized enterprises to manage and safeguard their networks more efficiently and cost-effectively.
Custos detects suspicious devices, network activity, faulty hardware, and inefficient services. It provides non-technical recommendations for correcting detected issues. It may also increase your IT function by highlighting actionable items and potential difficulties. It also acts as a network sensor by passively creating DPI output from network traffic for monitoring and security solutions.
What are the early signs of a network threat?
New or unexpected traffic patterns and regulations could be an early indicator. Additionally, lateral movement may be indicated by endpoints that generally do not communicate with one another but are suddenly trying to link. Similarly, greater activity during non-standard work hours may also indicate a possible compromise.
What, in your opinion, are the most severe threats posed by unsecured networks?
The network and its contents largely determine it. Malicious actors have long targeted insecure networks to add endpoints to a botnet or Command and Control system. If the network hosts file servers, it creates another vector for system compromise.
The industry has been reluctant to address Internet of Things (IoT) security risks, and embedded systems are hard to patch. These devices handle important infrastructure activities, making them high-value targets.
Despite the wide availability of security solutions and providers, do you believe that some businesses and individuals are still hesitant to upgrade their IT operations?
I believe it is due to the risk involved, as IT systems are designed to benefit the business. Upgrading existing systems is a decision that can impact business security, business continuity, cost, and risk and must be carefully analysed and planned to minimise risk and assure positive business outcomes.
Never deploy network security products in isolation. A security product upgrade may cause other network security, network infrastructure, or IT devices to malfunction, reducing overall security posture, network, and security service uptime, and incurring significant time and expense to resolve.
Network visibility helps. IT operational update risk is mitigated by bridging network security tools, network infrastructure and IT devices. Organisations can upgrade network security devices without downtime. They can combine security solutions and network or IT equipment for lower-risk updates and technology transitions.
What types of attacks do you anticipate seeing more of in the future? How can ordinary internet users safeguard their home networks?
Attackers will always find a new crisis to exploit, whether pervasive attempts to distribute malware or defraud the targeted threats against individuals and organisations. An attacker’s motives aren’t always obvious, but they generally involve stealing personal information, money, intellectual property, or disparaging an individual or organisation.
Everyone must understand and practise security concepts in an increasingly interconnected, technology-reliant society. Technology professionals should educate and support folks in other fields. Online tools can help novices implement resilient defences.
What further measures, in your opinion, ought to be implemented by contemporary businesses in addition to quality network security systems?
Technology-wise, analytics systems are crucial for continual network planning and regulatory compliance, as well as network monitoring tools for ensuring that IT networks provide the services end-users need. Network Visibility enables secure, manageable, and compliant network technologies.
Network visibility solutions ensure that network tools receive all-important network traffic, reduce the burden on network tools, so they run efficiently, cut the cost of ownership, maximise ROI, and remove any single point of failure for business continuity.
To complement security technology, employee adherence to stringent security policies and procedures is imperative for a robust cybersecurity posture and continuous employee training on current security protocols.
Finally, what does the future hold for Cubro?
Modern network technologists struggle to manage their networks while minimising legal and technical complications. They must spot performance concerns, odd activities, and data leaks and secure their networks. Carriers, data centres, and defence groups need real-time data and application visibility to secure and manage network and traffic demands, boost productivity, and monitor assaults and breaches.
The key to success is Total Network Visibility with Line Rate, real-time network segmentation, and focus views. Network technologists should know Cubro and its ability to deliver Total Network Visibility. Cubro’s technology helps enterprises respond to advanced and complex challenges with viable, long-term solutions that safeguard and grow network technology.